Contact lens use can be convenient and useful, but it is associated with potential sight threatening risks. It is therefore important to follow your ophthalmologist’s advice to minimise these risks. Keep reading to find out more about good contact lens practises.
What to do when using contact lenses:
- Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry them well before touching your eyes or contact lenses.
- Always dispose daily disposable lenses after each individual use.
- If your lenses are for multiple uses, always clean and disinfect your lenses daily, clean your lens storage case daily with fresh contact lens solution and let air dry, and store your contact lenses in their clean storage case each night.
- You should replace your lens storage case every three months.
- Always close your contact lens solution bottles to prevent contamination.
- Always discard any expired contact lenses or contact lens solution bottles.
- It is advisable to always carry an extra pair of contact lenses and glasses with you.
- It is advisable to hydrate and use artificial tear drops specifically made for contacts as needed to avoid dry eyes and irritation particularly with prolonged contact lens use.
- You should schedule regular eye examinations and contact lens checks.
- Do contact your ophthalmologist immediately if you experience any emergency related to your contact lenses.
- Do remove your contact lenses if you are experiencing any discomfort.
What not to do when using contact lenses:
- Do not order or wear any lenses that have not been prescribed for you.
- Do not sleep in your contact lenses.
- Do not share contact lenses or cases with anyone.
- Do not wear contacts while showering, swimming or in a sauna.
- Do not reuse contact lens solutions from previous nights.
- Do not use tap water or put your contact lenses in your mouth to moisten.
- You should not wear your contact lenses longer than their intended use.
- You should not change any lens care products without first consulting with your ophthalmologist.
- Avoid touching the top of the contact lens solution bottle to your lens, finger, or any other surface.
- You should not use tweezers to remove your lenses from their case, unless specifically directed to do so by your doctor.
- You should not use eye drops that are not compatible with contact lenses.